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​In 1979 Bishop Eliudi Issangya
attended a​ six month Bible school in California. While there the Lord gave him a vision to start a similar school in Tanzania, his native country.  He has been faithful to the work and richly blessed.



​What is IEO?
International Evangelism Outreach  is the U.S. organization which administers the support operations for International Evangelism Centre. The headdquaters are located in Sakila, Tanzania, East Africa.  This ministry was established in 1983 and acquired its 501(c)3 status in 1996.  In addition to its executive board, IEO also has an advisory board made up of pastors and spiritual leaders.  It is a member of the Full Gospel Fellowship of  Churches and Ministers International.  Each year produces growth and development both in the U.S. and abroad.

What is IEC?

International Evangelism Centre was founded in 1983 by Bishop Eliudi Issangya.  The primary work is establishing nternational schools of evangelism, and traning students to be ievangelists, pastors and teachers.  More than 6,000 students have graduated and returned home.  They have returned to their communities to pastor, teach and evagelize. Many are  co-laboring with other established Christian ministries.

IEC has founded a denomination called the "International Evangelism Church", with more than 1,600 churches throughout East Africa. Presently there are five schools of evangelism located in Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Rwanda and South Africa.

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